Thursday, September 30, 2010

thought to live by*

Whenever in doubt, think of this...

God lives!

This is a TRUE STORY of a friend of mine... WOW!
Background: he's a normal guy living life. He knew that God lives, but that's all....
Here's his story in AFRIKAANS...

"Here it is..ek was in Engeland.
 ek het in my kombuis gechill en n sigaret gerook & my koffietjie gedrink. ek was homesick, BAIE homesick. Het na my ma en pa en boeties gemis - dit was about 9:00 AM  in November gewees. Dit was donker (dawn+bewolkte England weather) maar dinge was steeds visible en daar was ligte drizzle. Ek was basically in trane en het net geworry oor almal hier (SA). EKT GLAD NIE GOD GEKEN SOOS EK NOU DOEN NIE!
Ek het nie lekker gevoel nie en het met my rug na die venster toe gesit. Ek draai toe na my 'last resort' GOD en vra " Here? Gee my asb net n bietjie lig in my lewe!" Als was doodstil in die huis, die andr was al werk toe... My rug het begin brand - LETTERLIK-WARM raak.. ek dig toe by myself - WTF?? toe kyk ek obviously om, en in  die donker wolke sien ek n oop gap - die lig het oor die huis geskyn, deur die venster, tot op MY rug...NA ek gevra het vir bietjie lig in my lewe.
Hoe kan mens nou doubt dat Hy daar is? dit het my van my voete af geslaan. Dit is MY storie en ek sal NOOIT weer terug kyk nie. God kom ons haal....Binnekort!"

How awesome is THIS? GOD LIVES!!!!!!


I love to bake & to create yummy things... these are some stuff I already tried or something that i will try very SOON* don't they look sooooo good? (yummy grumbeling)


wow!! This makes me even MORE excited! The colour theme i'm going for is a pale pink, rustic and ivory...loads of candles & faity lights...sort of a modern vintage look melted together. What do you think?

*This is me & my SUPER HOT fiance*

We got engaged on our 3rd year anniversary {2009.10.15}...We are getting married on the 12th of Match 2011 - YEAY*
Is'nt he handsome? I love him soooo much & can't wait to be Mrs. M du Plooy - i love the sound of THAT!

I'm NEW*

all this is a first for me! i LOVE to peep at other blogs and todat i thought - how cool would it be if I created my OWN blog & TA-DA!!! lets give it a try....(^^,)